Welcome to 4Wellbeing shop
Welcome to the 4wellbeing downloads, here you can listen/chant along with chants, meditations, yoga nidras and other relaxations. Regular practice can bring all kinds of benefits to physical and mental health.
Downloads start from 50p, longer yoga nidras will cost a little more. Along with the chants you will get a text file to help you to learn each one.
There is a free sample aum chant, meditation and yoga nidra for you to use.
How to use these downloads.
Line up the practices you want to do, starting with chanting and/or practising aum. Next choose a meditation, and finish with a relaxation or yoga nidra. Of course you can use these independently of each other, but I would suggest that you stick with a particular chant/meditation/yoga nidra for some time, you will get more out of it doing it this way. The meditations will progress to longer sessions and introduce new concepts, so only progress to the next meditation when you feel you have gained a good practice with each one. As with all these practices sitting in a comfortable position is important, preferably with the back straight, as this helps to improve energy flow in the body. If sitting crossed legged is uncomfortable then find another way of sitting, you will find meditation difficult if the body is uncomfortable, sitting on a chair is better than being in pain.
I am compiling yoga nidra for specific health conditions such as stress and anxiety, weight loss, insomnia and pregnancy, I will charge £5 for these as a lot of work goes into them. If you want me to create a yoga nidra for a specific ailment not listed please let me know.
I hope you enjoy these downloads, and that they bring you peace/tranquillity/vitality.
Paula x
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